007 - Techno Madness with DJ Starline

Being part of the Fleet DJs has made me part of a big family and several teams, so to speak. One of those teams, Fleet EDM Radio, which recently launched their new website, is a really cool and mad talented group of Professional DJs that all are doing big things, with the one thing in common, EDM, or Electronic Dance Music. Don’t believe me and need to see it for yourself, then click here: www.fleetedmradio.com.

With that said, one day, the team assigned us, partners, to do these collaboration mixes. For the first one, I was teamed up with DJ Starline.EDM (IG: @djstarline.edm). For it, I mixed the first hour and she mixed it into my ‘painting’. That first mix of ‘Techno Madness’ can be found here: Fleet EDM Mixcloud -> Techno Madness. The timing of this post is appropriate on the website today because, after this Music Investment Summit that I took part in during the day, I will be taking another stab at recording a 3 deck attempt for part 2 in this series where I am mixing, this time, into Starline’s ‘painting’.

#TechnoMadness #DJManiMidi #DJStarlineEDM #FleetEDMRadio #DoubleMixCDs #EDMnTechno #FleetEDMCollabs